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Lesson 1Getting Started with Python

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Lesson 1Getting Started with Python

Python is one of the fastest growing and one of the most used programming languages in the world. It is used in most schools, universities and many large companies across the globe. You are going to learn the basics of the Python language.

It is a text based language so you’ll have to learn the specific keywords, exact grammar and correct punctuations to set out instructions - they have to be perfect to run! Coding is frustrating (unless you are like Mr Balfour and find it very therapeutic 🤪) so take your time and check carefully but keep persevering!


Getting started with Python

  • Open your Z Drive on your computer
  • Open your Computing Folder
  • Create a new Folder called Python
Folder structure

The program we will use for this is called Thonny.


To access this open the folder on the server found at:

  • Subjects
  • Computing
  • Pupils
  • Apps

Now copy this folder to the Desktop on your computer.

Whilst you are waiting for the folder to copy across, you could be organising your own files on your Z drive.

When the files have copied fully, open the folder on your Desktop and double-click the thonny.exe icon to run Thonny.

Hello world!

In this lesson, you are going to be producing something on the screen of your computer.

Python uses the keyword print to send something to the computer's screen.

Create a new Python file called "Hello World" and save it to your Python folder

Type in the code below exactly to lines 1, 2 and 3.

print("Hello world!")
print("Hello Haddington!")
print("Hello Knox Academy!")

To run the code, click on the 'play' icon.

Running code
  • When you have run the code, upload a screenshot of it running below:

  • What does this program do?

About Me

Make a new Python program and save it as "About Me" in your Python Folder and write a program to display 3 sentences.

  • One that says your name
  • another that says what your favourite TV show is
  • and a third stating what your favourite animal is.

Test run the program, fix mistakes and edit if need be.

Take 2 screenshots:

  • One of the code
  • One of the working test run
  • Screenshot of the code

    Screenshot of the output

About Anyone

The About Me program worked for you. We need to be able to write flexible programs that can work for many users in many situations. For this, we can use variables.

name = "John Franklin"
tv_show = "The Terror"
animal = "Polar Bear"

print("My name is", name, ".")
print(tv_show, "is my favourite TV show.")
print("My favourite animal is", animal, ".")

Change the code so it works for your information then screenshot the changed program and the working output test run below.

  • Screenshot of the code

    Screenshot of the output

  • What is a variable?
  • Describe how they are used in a program.
  • List some of the advantages of variables.
Provide Feedback

What did you think of this document?

-- DragonDocs version 0.9 --


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-- DragonDocs version 1.0 (Yosemite) --

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The learning intentions and success criteria in teaching documents have now been redesigned to match my slides design

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-- DragonDocs version 2.2 (Serengeti) --

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The multiple choice questions are now also part of the object oriented interface

As requested, h3 elements are now included in the 'floating navigation'
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Time left
