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S3 ComputingTypes of computers

Knox badge
S3 ComputingTypes of computers
  • Identify, describe and choose the most suitable type of computer for a task

  • Describe the different parts of a computer system
  • I am able to identify different types of computers
  • I am able to describe key characteristics of a device as well as discuss why that computer is more appropriate than another

You have probably already used several computers today without realising it.

If you have sent a text, been driven in a car or checked your watch then you have used a computer. The words you are reading now were typed on a computer.

Computers are all around us. Since they affect so many parts of our lives, it is important to understand how they work.

What is a computer?

A computer is a machine that carries out instructions given to it by a human. Without instructions, computers wouldn't be able to do anything.

If this is the case, then what makes them special? They can:

  • work faster than humans
  • are more accurate than humans
  • can store huge amounts of information that they never 'forget'.
  • they can do the same thing over and over and not get bored

It might seem that computers can do almost anything. However, here are some other important things to remember:

  • computers don't have brains; they are not cleverer than humans.
  • computers don't have feelings or common sense. This means that there are lots of everyday tasks that humans can perform that computers still cannot

Write down three everyday tasks that humans perform but computers cannot (or are not very good at).


Types of computers

Computers come in many shapes and sizes. Find examples using the internet of each of these computer types as you read through.


A desktop computer is designed to fit on top of a desk and be used by one person at a time. It is mains powered and made up of separate devices.


Laptop computers combine all the separate devices of a desktop PC into one unit. This can be carried around and powered by mains electricity or battery. Netbooks and Ultrabooks are smaller, lighter types of laptop.


A tablet has a large touch-sensitive screen that is activated by a finger (or sometimes a stylus). They are battery powered and very portable. Tablets have an on-screen keyboard.


This is a large computer that can take up an entire room. Many users can use it at the same time, each with their own keyboard, mouse and monitor.

Mainframes are very expensive and need a team of people to run them. They are owned by large organisations that need to store and process huge amounts of information.


A server is a computer that provides services for other computers on a network, eg:

  • file server (stores users' files)
  • web server (serves out web pages)
  • mail server (provides email services)

Find an example of a desktop computer:


Find an example of a laptop computer:


Find an example of a tablet computer:


Find an example of a mainframe computer:


Find an example of a server computer:


Describe a games console of your choice:


For each of the following, recommend a computer system that suits the situation best:

  1. A new company selling sofas is starting up. It needs access to a computer system to allow it to showcase its products to customers when they visit them.
  2. A small company wishes to use spreadsheets to store their earnings and costs. They do not need the computer system to move around.
  3. A gaming company offers an online service that allows players to play against each other online. This will require a huge amount of processing.

Computers are constantly changing both in terms of the way the perform but also in how they are used. Tablets are newer than desktop computers. What does this tell you about the kind of computers people want?

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