Jamie Balfour

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Election 2015

Scotland made its voice very clear last night. The Exit poll was nearly 100% accurate with it's predictions and almost every seat in Scotland now belongs to the SNP.

The prediction was that Liberal Democrat Alistair Carmichael would retain his seat and the Conservative David Mundell would retain his.

What we saw though was not an overnight change rather a change that has been coming along for sometime.

The following graph shows how massive the swing was:

Across Scotland, several notable figures were outsted from their seats:

Douglas Alexander

Douglas Alexander

Michael Moore

Michael Moore

Jo Swinson

Jo Swinson

Ed Davey

Ed Davey

Danny Alexander

Danny Alexander

Jim Murphy

Jim Murphy

Charles Kennedy

Charles Kennedy

Images from OGL and CC license.

In the list Jo Swinson and Charles Kennedy were two that I did not expect to have as much trouble retaining their seats as Jim Murphy and Douglas Alexander.

Last night the SNP saw swings of up to 39% - something we've not seen like this before.

However, the UK as a whole voted for another Conservative government. This is the result of punishing the Liberal Democrats by not voting for them down south (which is how democracy works anyway, which is a good thing). What I'm saying is, the Conservatives only have a majority of 13 seats, so if a few Liberal Democrats kept their seats we may have had another hung parliament which could have lead to a Labour-SNP coalition.

Anyway, I'm not massively bothered as amazed at the turnout and swing in Scotland.

Posted in Politics
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