Many of you will know that I actually moved to a website from YouTube as it was my intention to write articles and reviews as opposed to producing videos for them. Writing them takes a bit longer compared with recording them and editing them as everything needs to be proofread and checked through several times but it's a lot easier to produce a fancy-looking article than it is a video. However, it was my web development interest that made writing these articles and reviews feel better (I also love video editing, don't get me wrong).
It was for that reason I moved to writing these reviews and articles from recording them.

YouTube was once my main production but it was slow in gaining popularity so it was a bit of a lost cause.
Future plans
My plans for the future of my YouTube are to basically move away from it and back into my website. I average about 1500 views a week at present (I'm sitting at about 500,000 views) but my website has on average being getting about 300 a day. And my website is more enjoyable. I'm going to slowly phase out my YouTube, removing the videos entirely.