Jamie Balfour

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Qualitative research

Since beginning my PhD, which will mainly use qualitative research methods, I have taken a much bigger interest in this form of research. My honours dissertation was mainly based on quantitative research involving Lickert scales, but it did have one or two qualatitive based parts of the research.

Qualitative research focuses on subjective answers to the original problem. As a result, it tends to be based on opinion and it's an exploratory research method. Qualitative research aims to discover underlying reasons, motivations and opinions. It is less structured than quantative research. Research that takes place can be done using focus groups and/or interviews, using small groups of people.

Quantitative research will be used with this project to ensure that we get the right opinions and the reasons behind why this project needs to be developed, as well as suggestions on what should be done. It will then be used to generate the specification and what needs to be done to improve the current situation.

On qualitative research, Filstead (Filstead, William J. (Ed.) Qualitative methodology). Chicago: Markham. 1970) said:

This in no way suggests that the researcher lacks the ability to be scientific while collecting data. On the contrary, it merely specifies that it is crucial for validity - and consequencely, for reliability - to try to picture the empirical social world as it actually exists to those under investigations, rather than as a researcher imagines it to be.

I'm planning to keep updating these posts with more information when I start to get it.

Posted in PhD Research
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