Part 1 - An introduction1.1Course introductionThis article describes what this course will cover.Part 2 - Getting started2.1Running ZPEThis article discusses how to run ZPE.2.2The first YASS programThis article introduces the first program in YASS.2.3Comments in YASSThis article describes how to use comments in YASS.2.4Input and Output methodsThis article discusses the methods used for both input and output.Part 3 - The basics3.1Variables & constants in YASSThis article introduces variables and constants in YASS.3.2Functions in YASSThis article discusses functions in YASS.3.3Objects and structures in YASSThis article discusses object and structures in YASS.3.4Arrays in YASSThis article discusses the data types of lists and arrays in YASS.Part 4 - Controlling the flow of a program4.1Conditions in YASSThis article discusses conditions in YASS.4.2If statementsThis article discusses if statements in YASS, one of the simplest forms of flow control.4.3LoopsThis article discusses loops in YASS.AllcoursesComments Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.