format_string (mixed message, integer format) ⇒ string
Formats a string, message, using the standard output of the current console. If the FORCE_COLOUR setting is set to false this function will simply return the original string.
This function uses the ANSI-based command line format strings to format the input string.
The function works only on Unix-like, BSD and macOS based architectures and is not expected to work on any non-ANSI compatible terminal. It also does not function correctly when used in the GUI mode provided by the ZPE package.
Supplied formats available
The following table describes the formats available:
Code | Format |
0 | Nothing |
1 | Formats text to green |
2 | Formats text to blue |
3 | Formats text to red |
4 | Formats text to cyan |
5 | Formats text to magenta |
6 | Formats text to yellow |