My website has taken yet another step in the right direction being optimised further, which further reduces the size of the site.
Currently, the largest page on the site is 1.6MB, which is a large page for a mobile phone user to view, but apparently spot on the average page size according to this website. Having said that, my largest page is actually my photo gallery, which is not exactly something I imagine mobile users to be using everyday.
My front homepage comes in at just 795KB and my About me page comes in at 728KB.
Most of this saving comes from gZip being applied to everything on the site, minified CSS and JS, compressed images, much less HTTP requests and less third party linked tools.

Today it was announced that Robin Williams was found dead at age 63.
Apparently a lot of the public are getting confused at this thinking it's Robbie Williams, the singer, but as a matter of fact the reference is to the actor, Robin Williams.
Robin was an excellent actor with roles like Mrs Doubtfire, Flubber and many more. He was also an excellent voice actor and could do some awesome voices and impersonations.
He was one of my favourite actors when I was young, particularly because of his role in Flubber, which was one of my favourite films for about a whole year.
As well as that, he was a gamer, most notably naming his daughter Zelda after Princess Zelda from the Legend of Zelda. He enjoyed playing a lot of the games I love like Warcraft, Zelda as well as many others like Battlefield and Half-Life. A true gamer.
He will be missed by friends, family and fans alike.