From the beginning of version 1.4.0 ZPE has taken codenames pretty seriously. Now it's a major thing as you'll see from version 1.7.x since each version goes by a different name. Originally, codenames were given when the parser changed underneath, whereas now it is actually if there are changes to any part of the whole package. Major releases are denoted by a change in codename. The following is a list of all codenames used to date as well as future planned versions.
The official ZPE codename roadmap to date is as follows.
- 1.4.0: Tummel
- 1.4.20: Tummel
- Lyon
- Lyon
- 1.4.2E: Tummel
- 1.4.2H: Experimental
- 1.4.3: Rannoch
- Isla de Muerta
- Isla de Muerta
- 1.4.4: Black Pearl
- 1.5.0: Black Pearl
- Black Pearl
- 1.5.1: Black Pearl
- 1.5.2: Pelegosto
- 1.5.3: Isla Cruces
- 1.5.4: Port Royal
- 1.6.0: Severus
- 1.6.1: McGonagall
- 1.6.2: McGonagall
- 1.6.3: Dumbledore
- 1.6.4: Potter
- 1.6.5: Potter
- 1.6.6: Weasley
- 1.6.7: Waverley
- 1.6.8: Haymarket
- Haymarket
- 1.7.0: Reindeer Lake
- 1.7.1: Kasba Lake
- 1.7.2: Nueltin Lake
- 1.7.3: Yathkyed Lake
- 1.7.4: Dubawnt Lake
- 1.7.5: MacKay Lake
- 1.7.6: Wollaston Lake
- 1.7.7: Nettilling Lake (planned)
- 1.7.8: Cedar Lake (planned)
- 1.7.9: Cree Lake (planned)
- 1.7.10: Dubawnt Lake (planned)
- 1.7.11: Baker Lake (planned)
- 1.7.12: Primrose Lake (planned)
- 1.7.13: Aberdeen Lake (planned)
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