Jamie Balfour

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Jamie Balfour'sArticles

Recovering from COVID
14Sep2021 / Life
I have now had COVID. But I'm now out on the other side and on the recovery side of it. I want to tell you just how savage this virus is.
Recovering from COVID
Should the TV License be replaced?
21Jul2021 / Technology
The UK's TV License is an expensive yet very dated idea that needs to be looked at. In this article I take a look at the problems with the TV license as well as the difficulties that are faced with bringing in a replacement.
Should the TV License be replaced?
The move from Intel
19Jun2021 / Technology
The world of computing processors is shifting. More and more users, particularly those building custom PCs such as myself, are moving away from Intel. As someone who has shares in both Intel and AMD, I am often faced with the difficult choice as to who to put more of my money into these days.
The move from Intel
Using Homebridge
15Apr2021 / Smart Homes
Homebridge is an awesome tool that makes it easy to connect non-HomeKit products to your Apple HomeKit powered smart home systems. I'm going to explain why it's so great in this article.
My smart home setup
07Apr2020 / Smart Homes
Something that has interested me since its conception in about 2006 was the concept of what is now known as the smart home - it's always been something I've dreamt about.
How did serial take over from parallel?
03Jan2020 / Technology
In this post I am discussing how serial communication overtook parallel communication as the main method of communication in computer systems.
How did serial take over from parallel?
A look at my last decade
31Dec2019 / Life
A look at 2010 to 2019 in my life, from highs to lows. This article is more for personal reasons than for others to read, but some of my friends might find it interesting.
A look at the last decade of gaming
31Dec2019 / Technology
The last decade had some amazing games, but also some truly awful ones. This is my top ten games of the last decade.
Reflecting on myself as a teacher
14Nov2019 / Education
When I became the teacher I never wanted to become, I became something horrible and something that I need to avoid.
The importance of good syntax
11Oct2019 / Technology
Some languages really have easy to read and write syntaxes, whereas others sacrifice this for structure. What about the combination of both?
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