Jamie Balfour

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Jamie Balfour'sArticles

The inconsistencies of PHP
22Apr2015 / The Web
Whilst PHP has been one of my all time favourite language for what it can do, it has a very bad level of inconsistency through out the syntax.
The inconsistencies of PHP
Is technology progress or a threat to humanity?
12Mar2015 / Technology
Technology is a huge part of everyday life but is it progressing humanity or becoming a threat? In this article I intend to find out.
Is technology progress or a threat to humanity?
How to integrate Facebook into Mac OS X's Messages app
05Feb2015 / Technology
Ever wanted to have Facebook in your Messages app on your Mac? Well, thanks to a bit of work you can.
How to integrate Facebook into Mac OS X's Messages app
The route to becoming a vegetarian
01Feb2015 / Life
In September 2014 I became a pescatarian and now I'm on route to become a vegetarian. This article describes my experience of doing this.
The route to becoming a vegetarian
The sad fate of the web as we know it
09Jan2015 / The Web
It is sad how the web has become this place where no individuals will create a custom website tailored to their own personality and requirements. The web consists of so many prebuilt sites that individuality is disappearing altogether.
The sad fate of the web as we know it
My 2014 suggestions to the W3C to improve CSS
21Oct2014 / The Web
This is my 2014 list of suggestions to the W3C for improving CSS. These are all things I'd like to see in the CSS4 specification when it gets considered.
My 2014 suggestions to the W3C to improve CSS
Why CSS incompatiblities are not so much a problem with mobile
21Aug2014 / The Web
Have you ever noticed how great mobile web browser development is? This article goes into a bit of depth about how CSS is miles ahead on mobile devices.
Why CSS incompatiblities are not so much a problem with mobile
What CSS still needs and where Sass has it right
15Aug2014 / The Web
My CSS 2015 wishlist. I'm particularly hopeful about two particular features. This proposal may get updated as I think of more ideas.
Who uses the CSS @media print query anyway?
22Jul2014 / The Web
CSS3 makes it easier to create printable content, but has it been implemented fully? In this article I will talk about why it is important to implement a print-friendly website using CSS and how it can be achieved. I will also talk about the concerns with websites as they are at the moment and how these concerns affect users.
Who uses the CSS @media print query anyway?
The best of WWDC 2014
02Jun2014 / Technology
Here's a look at the best of Apple's WWDC 2014. iOS 8 and OS X 10.10.
The best of WWDC 2014
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