Jamie Balfour

Welcome to my personal website.

Find out more about me, my personal projects, reviews, courses and much more here.

Jamie Balfour'sPersonal blog

In the past, I have been told that my code samples are really good, but they lack one or two things. The most crucial one of those is the ability to copy the formatting. Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment due to the fact they are written as a ordered list element. This means that each line of code is put in a new li element. When one comes to attempt to copy from the element, the formatting (e.g. the indentation, which is completely controlled by a CSS margin property) will not be retained. 

After some perseverance, I have begun the transformation of my samples. Currently in the ol element, they will now be nested within the pre element. What this also means is that it will be much easier for me to update them using my content management system. As of this second, the CSS tutorial has been partially updated, and my articles, reviews, blogs and the software section completely use this new system. 

The main theory behind doing this is to make my website more accessible and easier to use, whilst not making any real visual changes. At the current time, you may see that some of the older samples no longer appear properly. This is a known issue and will be fixed when they switch to the new style.

Please bare with me whilst I make this change, since it will take some time for me to fully implement across my tutorials. 

I have since updated my HTML and CSS tutorials with the new pre-based samples. It's taking a long time to do but I will be done with the PHP tutorial by the end of the day.
All pages on my website now use the new pre-based code samples so all code from these samples is now fully copyable. JavaScript must be enabled for the pre elements to display properly, but it will work without JavaScript anyway. 
Posted in Website news

Today I am releasing the latest version of BalfBlog and using it on my website to power my articles!

The latest version of BalfBlog had the core focus of being able to manage a system like my articles system. Well now, after 3 years of development BlackCat is being replaced by a much younger (started in January 2016) content management system. 

BalfBlog is far from perfect for this and a lot of work is still needed. I say this because, at present you need a dashboard for each BalfBlog system. Also, whilst the project was only recently renamed BalfBlog, it was never to be the full time name. So please help me come up with a better name for BalfBlog that reflects this new feature.

The new system brings a lot of front end features too, such as being able to use the BalfBlog search which will search for words you enter only in that blog/section. You can do this using the search box at the top of the section, this allows you to search based on the category, keyword, title, tags or anything else you may want to search for. This gives a lot more specificity over what you are searching for compared with Google's search provided on my website.

On top of this, updates are easier to apply to these sections of my website than before and I can manage content using a more useful content management system.

So all in all, it's been a great move.

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Today I have decided I will no longer add support for Internet Explorer 8, 7, 6 and below to BalfBlog, BalfBar, BalfSlider, BalfRibbon and my own website.

Subsequently, users of these will see a very small reduction in file size. 

After many years of adding extra support to my website for older browsers, I have decided it is time to move on. I am officially ditching a percentage of users of these older browsers.

Posted in Website news

Hello everyone, I'm posting this comment about my Disqus comment system which I have recently had to update. Since Disqus currently does not offer the ability to move comments from an old URL to a new one, I had to delete older comments to prevent them going through to the error page. I have readded all these comments using the names of the original people (note the names, not their user accounts, thus these will not take you to their accounts). I have done this since some of these comments were useful and because there are still very few comments (despite hundreds of views a month). 

Posted in Website news

Within the last few weeks I have been working on major improvements to the integration of what is now known as BalfBlog. Version 2.0 was released just 2 days after version 1.1 and was released due to a complete change in the way it works. This allows it to integrate well with any website and requires minimal effort to install. If you follow my blog you'll probably know that I've been posting about this quite a bit. 

One of the things about the new BalfBlog and the way in which my website works with this blogging system is the way in which it integrates with my own website. This makes it painless to install and one of the things I've noticed is how easily my website copes with this design. 

But it doesn't stop there. ClickIt is my latest website and the main site is nearly finished. One of the features I've wanted to add was a blog. I found just how easy it was to integrate BalfBlog with Bootstrap as well. One change to a file and that's it. Ready to go. By the end of June this year, I will officially announce the finished version of BalfBlog, until then feel free to get in touch with me and arrange to get a copy of BalfBlog version 2.0b.

Posted in Website news

To help maintain a better consistency with modern browsers I have introduced a GlyphIcons font. This font adds some extra requirements to the browser that is viewing it but makes it much easier for me to develop for the future. 

I found these icons just the other day and think they are awesome. You can find them in quite a few places on my site, least of all the sidebar and site links. You'll find that they make the success and failure pages much better too. 

I have since stopped using the actual GlyphIcons font and replaced it with my own custom font that selects only the glyphs I need. I've also thrown in some other icons too.
Posted in Website news

The next few months will be a difficult few for me as I have to work much harder than normal on my university course.

Now in my final semester of my final year at university, I can finally see the end of it all and feel like I have the potential to finish it.

However, over this time I will likely end up neglecting my website and it's content. I may post a blog entry every so often but there will be no major content added to the site. 

If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to contact me using the usual methods.

Posted in Website news

I'm very happy to announce today that I have now got my own 'mask icon' for my website.

Perhaps you have seen (if you use Safari on El Capitan) that many web pages get their own icons whilst others just get given the first letter of their title. Well now my website joins these sites.

Here is an example followed by my own mask icon.

An example of mask icons

My mask icon

So go on, pin my website to your Safari browser now to try it out!

Posted in Website news

Today I have decided as part of the refurbishment of my own blog, I will be removing the BalfBlog posts from my blog and putting them on the blog dedicated to my projects. This blog has also been running for some time and since it is the intended place for BalfBlog posts, this is where I will be putting them.

As well as this, I have chosen to move all of my posts about my Zenith Engine from my own blog to the ZenLang website and the blog dedicated to ZPE and ZenLang. I recently opened this blog but it has long been the aim to remove these from my blog. 

I have plans to rename the blog dedicated to BalfBlog to my project blog, where I will put information about all of my main projects.

Posted in Website news

2015 is almost at an end. I'm now going to take a few moments to reflect on my website

Thank you for your continued support to my website and me in general! 2015 has been a big year for my website. It started off with me introducing DragonScript, a fast loading PHP script designed to make building my website easier. Indeed it does, and my website hasn't changed too much over the year either. 

Some things have gone through a few transformations however. One of those is the sidebar, which looks great now. Small things like the footer joining in to the site links box also make subtle, nice changes to the website.

I also introduced a singular flatter theme to my website, reduced the number of different colours on the website down to 12 from 23 and focused more on the often neglected desktop section of the website. 

I now ask a small favour of anyone reading this post. 2016 is the year the website needs renewed. If you like my website, I ask you to support me and my pledge with just £10. This would go a long way since it's expensive to host a website that brings in no money. 

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