It's been a long time (nine years) since I posted my last YouTube video review, so I think it's time for me to return. This time, I will focus on software and web development tutorials.
But I'm also going to livestream again. I'm aiming to rebuild my YouTube account, so if you're interested, you can follow my channel at
Many of you will know that I actually moved to a website from YouTube as it was my intention to write articles and reviews as opposed to producing videos for them. Writing them takes a bit longer compared with recording them and editing them as everything needs to be proofread and checked through several times but it's a lot easier to produce a fancy-looking article than it is a video. However, it was my web development interest that made writing these articles and reviews feel better (I also love video editing, don't get me wrong).
It was for that reason I moved to writing these reviews and articles from recording them.

YouTube was once my main production but it was slow in gaining popularity so it was a bit of a lost cause.
Future plans
My plans for the future of my YouTube are to basically move away from it and back into my website. I average about 1500 views a week at present (I'm sitting at about 500,000 views) but my website has on average being getting about 300 a day. And my website is more enjoyable. I'm going to slowly phase out my YouTube, removing the videos entirely.
I think it is about time I started to capture some footage of some of my old games, such as Age of Empires II, and show some strategies and ways to play the game well.
This comes because I received an email from one of the sites I am subscribed to and it was describing strategies in this very old, but very good game.
This will be one of my new things that I will hopefully be bringing to YouTube over the summer. I also want to see if others would agree.
Games that I would most likely include are my three oldest PC games:
Warcraft Orcs and Humans
Command and Conquer 95
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
I would also like to show some newer games including:
Warcraft 3
Age of Empires III
And more
I've got FRAPS, which is a brilliant piece of software.
I have recently uploaded my first YouTube Hardware Look. My plan was to try and take away a lot of the reviewing side of the videos and just give a look at some of the things that would take a long time to review, rather than disappear from YouTube altogether.
You can find a look at the XFX Radeon Double Dissipation Edition on my channel now.
It was once a very enticing opportunity but with other activities (such as university) in my life it has become difficult to work on my YouTube videos.
Therefore, this next video could be my last video to come to YouTube. I am sorry to disappoint those who follow me and I would like to say thanks to all who subscribed to me in the past and those who asked questions.
I also was not getting enough views to make this worth while any more and therefore do not see any point in continuing with it. I will continue to post videos once in a while, however, for the most part I will no longer be an active user as before.