Namespaces are finally here with ZPE 1.12.8! They are essential for organising libraries and structures throughout programs. Look at the code below to see how they work:
structure HTMLBuilder namespace jsmith/packages /* * Functions go here * ... */ end structure $builder = new jsmith/packages/HTMLBuilder()
I'm delighted with my new photo sorting tool, which I developed to help me organise over 20,000 photos from the last six or so years.
Today, I sorted just over 900 photos and videos in just over an hour. This would have taken a lot longer in the past and required a bit more thinking with the drag-and-drop process of moving files and previewing each image or video. Although this only runs on my MacBook and is pretty fixed to a folder, I've written it so that it could indeed be changed.
It's also been a really easy application to write and only requires a few lines of code, all of which are embedded into one PHP file. It does require a web server to run and knowledge of how to use symb links.
Once I'm done with it, I'll post the source code to my GitHub.