Jamie Balfour

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Jamie Balfour'sPersonal blog

I am not often one to repost on my blog, but on this occasion, I feel I have to:

Why Twilight Princess is the best Zelda ever

Posted in Gaming

A long time ago, I used to have a Facebook page. But during late 2010 to late 2011 (the bad era for my website) I did not maintain the page, and Facebook discarded it as a deprecated blog.

I am happy to announce the page has been reopened. It can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/jamiebalfour04

Posted in Website news

Microsoft has officially commented on the next release of Windows, known by its codename as "Windows Blue". The update is said not to be a new release of the operating system but as an update for the current Windows 8 operating system but unlike a service pack, it will bring new features that the end-user will notice. It marks a change for Microsoft; releasing a new update to an OS that will change the user experience of the operating system and bring new features.

You may remember that when I reviewed Windows 8 I thought of the new interface as an absolute disaster, stating my hatred for the lack of Start menu and seeming lack of interest in the desktop market. 

Posted in Tech news

Some pages have now been turned into PHP equivalent pages, i.e. from HTML to PHP. This marks an important change in the site which is now going through a major change to bring more of an interactive PHP experience. Pages such as Articles, Reviews and Tutorials, as well as the Development subpages have all become PHP pages, as I have updated the site to automatically display articles when I upload them. This makes it much easier for me, but also guarantees the accuracy.

So despite what I said a few months ago about never going to become a web developer, I'm really starting to get some where now and many people have begun commenting on how good my website is beginning to look!

Posted in Website news

I think it is about time I started to capture some footage of some of my old games, such as Age of Empires II, and show some strategies and ways to play the game well.

This comes because I received an email from one of the sites I am subscribed to and it was describing strategies in this very old, but very good game.

This will be one of my new things that I will hopefully be bringing to YouTube over the summer. I also want to see if others would agree.

Games that I would most likely include are my three oldest PC games:

Warcraft Orcs and Humans
Command and Conquer 95
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors

I would also like to show some newer games including:

Warcraft 3
Age of Empires III

And more

I've got FRAPS, which is a brilliant piece of software.

Posted in YouTube

A simple question that I have answered today. This blog needs updated every so often to ensure the best WordPress compatibility. To do this, I need to temporarily close the blog down to maintenance mode. This means that the transition will be as seamless as possible whilst as effective as possible. I will not post before doing this, but I will probably skip most minor updates, only updating on major builds (or perhaps every few builds) as I want to keep disruption as minimal as possible.

Posted in Website news

I am going to very quickly summarise the next problem I have had with my motherboard, the Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3, in this post because it has reached the point that I can't take much more of it.

Firstly, my previous computer, better known as the Platypus (which I loved but sold most of it to a fellow computer enthusiast), was a marvellous computer. It had no problems. It was simply because I had read about Intel's Sandy Bridge being so incredibly good for video editing, which I was certainly doing a lot of at the time, that made me want to buy one for myself.

So the Platypus left and the new computer, better known as the Zebra (both are named after animals named after their chipsets: P45 and Z68, although the Zebra is also black and white) took its place. The Zebra was built with an incredibly cheap-to-build system, as most of the expensive components from the Platypus could be kept and reused. The Zebra cost around £575 (£100 for the motherboard, £50 for the RAM, £250 for the CPU and £175 for the case), which to me seemed great, but it was terribly flawed.

Now I loved it when I first got it, and still love it now, but it's breaking my heart more and more these days (or maybe just really annoying me I suppose). Here's precisely why:

It started with the motherboard having a device that seemed unknown to the computer. So I disconnected everything and noticed it was still there. Next, I decided to plug a USB flash drive into each USB port, and there we went. The problem was solved. One of the rear USB 2.0 ports was not working. I complained to Gigabyte, who seemingly did nothing to help, apart from saying that my chipset was incorrectly installed, which makes no sense anyway. I filed a complaint and tried to get it sorted under warranty. But it was too much effort after assembling the computer that I decided to leave it, as it was just one USB 2.0 port, and Gigabyte themselves even said they would not pick it up.

It now suffers from another problem: a device that plugs in and then unplugs a second or two later. Listening to the Windows 7 device connected (dum dum) and then immediately after disconnecting (bum bum) was driving me mad. I could not bear it any more. I muted and removed the sound from the Windows sound manager in the Control Panel.

I have decided when I can. I'm going to sell the motherboard and get a new one for my birthday when Haswell is well and truly ready. I will probably sell the CPU as well.

Posted in Tech talk

Today, someone (you know who you are!) was going on about how my MacBook isn't up to the specifications for the price. This post is going to briefly explain why this is not the case with myself and why I have stood by the use of my Apple computers.

I have known for a long time that FireWire was a part Apple "invention" (well no, it is actually not, but it was Apple who pushed it on to the market). But it had not struck me until now that I have been using FireWire as my favourite choice of connection to my external drive since about 2007 - way before I got my first Apple product. Now I have a MacBook Pro (and it is well worth the money, PCs have generally more issues and I know this because I am definitely still a PC user first and foremost), iPhone 5 and iPod touch. In the house we now have 4 iPhones and 2 Macs (soon to be three, I think).

I did not realise though that whilst I have been a proud fan of FireWire, what I was saying was that I was really a strong supporter of Apple. Nowadays FireWire is not as big as it used to be, and I have Thunderbolt on my MacBook which I intend to use in the future as it becomes more widely available (it is now available on some PCs and motherboards) and used.

However, it seems to be the build quality that makes me choose Apple. I like many PC manufacturers (not HP though - 3 broken machines due to overheating and not fixed under warranty - that's just saying something) such as Acer, Asus, Dell, Fujitsu, Samsung and a few others, but I never feel that the quality is any good - especially when someone else you know has a MacBook (I'm talking the Air or the Pro here) or just when you generally compare them side-by-side.

The price point puts people off, but it should not. At the end of the day, I'm still a huge Windows user, I write my software for Windows, not Mac OS X, simply because I have always preferred Windows. But if we are not talking about the software but the hardware, I believe that the quality of Apple's products is much higher than any other. Simple thing likes a magnetic (patented) designed power connection (to prevent pulling the computer off the table if you trip on the wire) are the kinds of things you can expect from Apple. PC manufacturers also put in tweaks, but they tend not to be consistent across the vast range of products (remember those little ExpressCard 54 remotes you used to get with your HP Pavilion notebook?). Another one had Windows SideShow where PC manufacturers would put a display on the outside of lid chassis which could display the song you are listening to or whatever and when the system was shutdown, the user could still use the computer using the outer LCD and could enjoy hundreds of hours of battery life by using the laptop battery but with the small footprint of the outer LCD. Where did that go?

My final point to make is that Apple products are just so much better thermally. My MacBook hardly ever gets warm (although when put under strain it will) but a PC I had would need its fans to run every 3 or 4 minutes when performing the exact same tasks. Why are most PC manufacturers so flimsy when manufacturing them? Apple puts a lot of effort into each product, hence why they end up being the way they are.

I am still though, a Windows user.

I now love Linux and OS X, and I am more of a Mac OS X lover.

Posted in Tech talk

WordPress is available as an add-on to a website in HTML, CSS etc. It utilises PHP and MySQL to make it efficient and effective. WordPress is great because the theme of the blog can be changed at any time with a variety of different themes to choose from. I like the current standard WordPress theme, known as Twenty Twelve (2012) and will be using this for the time being. I may change it at anytime, though.

WordPress also has a built in spell-check as well as making the administration of my blog much easier. I am currently leaving the BlackRabbit and WE Blog blogs the way they are and they will remain as my standard blogs, provided by my host. There may come a time when I change them also.

WordPress has also offered me much more in the view that millions of people use it, so it is well maintained. As well as that, Google Searches are more likely to stumble across a WordPress blog than they are a blog created by my host.

I have also now copied every single post from my old blog into my new blog, along with their time and date strings. On top of that, Blogger has finally been moved to this blog, so all my historical writings from when I first blogged in 2010, have moved here.

Posted in Miscellaneous

In about 2 or 3 minutes I will be deleting my old blog to make room for my new WordPress one. I have moved all of the posts over to this blog so they will still be available.

Old blog

Posted in Website news
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