Jamie Balfour

Welcome to my personal website.

Find out more about me, my personal projects, reviews, courses and much more here.

Jamie Balfour'sPersonal blog

The site has displayed errors on Google Chrome just now and because of this is going through a very important redesign to support all of the main browsers. Please bear with me with me whilst this happens.

Posted in Website news

Hello again followers! My website has now been fully redesigned to have a much nicer feel and appearance! Please come and visit as you'll see how much better it is already!

Posted in Website news

What a year 2012 has been! We have had loads of brilliant things like the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics, as well as the 50th anniversary of James Bond all in the space of one year! What a year indeed!

With a variety of different things being shown on TV this year as always, I felt I had like to remember 2012 my way. So what I have done here is compile a list of the last things I did in 2012, so that I have a memory forever.

Last meal I ate: Battered fish with chips and mushy peas

Last thing I had to drink with a meal: Coca Cola

Last place I went out to eat: The Marine Hotel

Last film I watched: James Bond Octopussy

Last game I played: Batman Arkham Asylum

Last song I listened to: Brinstar of Old (from Super Smash Bros Brawl soundtrack)

Last person I have sent a text to: Murray Szymanski

Last friend I have spoken to in person: Calum Cormack

Last TV programme I have watched: Scotland's Hogmanay Live

Last major purchase for myself: Hauppauge HD PVR2

So that is the end of 2012 almost, and it has been one heck of a good year. Now all we have to do really is say goodbye to it and say hello to 2013. That will be in a good few hours, and the list may have changed then! But until then, let us enjoy what is left of the year!


I have recently uploaded my first YouTube Hardware Look. My plan was to try and take away a lot of the reviewing side of the videos and just give a look at some of the things that would take a long time to review, rather than disappear from YouTube altogether.

You can find a look at the XFX Radeon Double Dissipation Edition on my channel now.

Posted in YouTube

It was once a very enticing opportunity but with other activities (such as university) in my life it has become difficult to work on my YouTube videos.

Therefore, this next video could be my last video to come to YouTube. I am sorry to disappoint those who follow me and I would like to say thanks to all who subscribed to me in the past and those who asked questions.

I also was not getting enough views to make this worth while any more and therefore do not see any point in continuing with it. I will continue to post videos once in a while, however, for the most part I will no longer be an active user as before.

Posted in YouTube

Quick Quiz was at first a very difficult program to work on. It has now been redesigned from the bottom up and it now has a much more appealing design to it. Work has just recently begun with the first initial build, You can still download version from my website in the Downloads Center.

Feel free to try either as the 2011 edition of the software still receives updates. But it is now changing to the new version (2012). And pretty soon the software will be going under Ultra Edition.

Posted in Software

This is only the third time I have used Java (ie twice last week at university) and I have now cracked it. I am now remembering my semi-colons and braces that make up the Java language syntax.

I must say I have noticed my work getting better as I just created a simple program to get each pixel in an image and invert the colour of it. The image is specified as an argument to the application and it runs through the application and saves it. I am very impressed with my progress and this makes a fourth programming language that I have learned.

Posted in Life

Let us wish the company who does almost everything technology a happy birthday today.

10 years ago today, Google was born!

Posted in Tech news

The new section on the website; the Software Alpha-Beta Application Programme (SABAP) has been created.

Here you will find a list of alpha and beta software downloads. However, you will require a username and password to access the files. If you are willing to try out the software, please send an email to me.

Posted in Software

Well, I am going to place this here to say how brilliant my 21st birthday party was - both of them! So thanks to my friends and family for attending! Both parties were truly a success and I have to thank my mother for this. However, the past few days have been incredibly difficult for our family as it splits and tears even further.

I am really scared about my dad as he is drinking more than ever, and it's scary. My mum is very upset and there is not much I can do, but she needs to bear in mind, I am still recovering from a serious difficulty in my life, and I need her to be strong for me, I really do.

I do not know where this is going but I do know that I have been quite depressed for quite a while now, and it's not doing me much good when they argue. But then again, they argue every day that they see each other, but they are too scared to do anything about it.

My life is being swayed from side to side like a ship in the ocean, as my parents will not stop their bickering. I want to one day become independent, but I can not do that yet and I am sick of hiding behind a mask and saying everything is alright, whilst I run away from it all. Something needs to be done soon, otherwise, I am not going to make that recovery that I need.

And just to let you know, I am still physically and mentally very weak, and I am still struggling with depression. But it's getting worse, as my father drinks more and my mother cannot cope with it.

The advantages however are that I do not drink, and I do not hang on to things that I do not need - learning from his mistakes. My life for 15 odd years has been living in a house full of hoardings - stuff that is barely ever used - where churning is a regular activity that we all have to do four or five times a year because my father cannot get rid of anything, and where arguing is the essence of our family. It does not stop and it makes me do things I would not normally do like get angry with people and run away without telling anyone. I am sick of this, and to that end, I am now considering leaving for good and never coming back to them. It seems like that is really the only option I have to recover - to become self-dependent, although I should have someone caring for me, my weekends are what leave me like this through the week.

It is now 01:00 in the morning, and I am still typing, despite being exhausted earlier, I cannot sleep. This is always the case on Monday and Tuesday evenings, and it comes because of the weekend before - and it is an example of bad depression affecting me. My dreams are nightmares most of the time - ones where my friends are the people that hate me, my dad drinking and my parents arguing. I cannot go on like this. It is way too scary.

Anyway, I am going to try to sleep. And I hope for no more bad dreams. This blog post has helped me to conclude what it is that has been troubling me since about the middle of my life. I have finally got it out there for all to read.

Posted in Life
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